Call of Duty 4 gioco dell'anno secondo AIAS

Call of Duty 4 gioco dell'anno secondo AIAS

L’AIAS (Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences) ha annunciato ieri i vincitori dei suoi “oscar del videogioco”, chiamati Annual Interactive Achievement Awards. A fare incetta di premi sono stati Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, BioShock e The Orange Box, ognuno dei quali in grado di portarsi a casa ben 4 statuette, con il pluripremiato (e altrettanto giocato) FPS di Activision vincitore anche dei premi Overall Game of the Year e Console Game of the Year, in barba ad Halo 3 ed allo stesso BioShock.

Giunta all’undicesima edizione, la rassegna può essere ritenuta tra le più prestigiosi all’interno dell’industria videoludica, visto la presenza all’interno dei vertici di AIAS di personalità di spicco provenienti dalle maggiori società ed enti operanti nel settore, tra cui EA, Microsoft, Epic Games, Nintendo ed ESRB. Cliccando sul link sottostante è possibile visualizzare la lista completa dei vincitori.

Overall Game of the Year: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Console Game of the Year: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Computer Game of the Year: The Orange Box
Outstanding Innovation in Gaming: Rock Band
Handheld Game of the Year: The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Massively Multiplayer Game of the Year: World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade
Cellular Game of the Year: Skate
Role-Playing Game of the Year: Mass Effect
Racing Game of the Year: Motorstorm
Outstanding Achievement in Game Design: The Orange Box: Portal
Adventure Game of the Year: Super Mario Galaxy
Sports Game of the Year: Skate
Strategy/Simulation Game of the Year: Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Action Game of the Year: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Family Game of the Year: Rock Band
Outstanding Achievement in Animation: Assassin’s Creed
Outstanding Achievement in Art Direction: BioShock
Outstanding Achievement in Visual Engineering: Crysis
Outstanding Character Performance: The Orange Box: Portal
Outstanding Achievement in Story Development: BioShock
Outstanding Achievement in Game Play Engineering: The Orange Box: Portal
Outstanding Achievement in Online Game Play: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
Downloadable Game of the Year: Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
Outstanding Achievement in Original Music Composition: BioShock
Outstanding Achievement in Soundtrack: Rock Band
Outstanding Achievement in Sound Design: BioShock

[via Gamasutra]

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