Metal Gear Online: nuovo aggiornamento disponibile

Metal Gear Online: nuovo aggiornamento disponibile

Konami ha rilasciato in questi giorni il nuovo aggiornamento 1.11 per Metal Gear Solid Online.

Come abbiamo riportato di recente, ci sono stati problemi di server legati al rilascio della Gene Expansion, corretti finalmente con questa nuova patch che trovate disponibile all’avvio del gioco.

Tutti gli utenti potranno finalmente dormire sonni tranquilli e godere dei nuovi contenuti aggiuntivi rilasciati da Konami stessa.

Di seguito trovate la lista dei fix e delle aggiunte di questa nuova patch.

07/25/2008 MGO Client Updated to Ver.1.11
Updates for all versions
(GENE EXPANSION enabled or otherwise)

  • Changes to the scoring system:
    Points will now be awarded for Scanning and Assists in TEAM SNEAKING and RESCUE Missions.
  • Improvements for Voice Chat:
    Improved sound quality.
    * However, please note that without a quality line, there may be no noticeable improvements.
  • Bug Fixes:
    The count for the number of times a player falls for a trap will resume as the previopus problems have now been fixed
    The collision detection has been corrected for the iron doors in the “Groznyi Grad” map where previously players could shoot through them.
  • “SURVIVAL” restarted:
    “Survival” mode which had been temporarily disabled since 18/07/2008 07:00 (BST) has been restarted. They will be held on weekends between Fridays and Sundays.
    To take part, players need to enter a team where the maximum capacity is 6.
  • Finally, we would like to inform you that problems involving players not being correctly displayed will be fixed with the next update to the game. We would like to apologize for any confusion and inconveniences this may cause in the meantime.
  • via | Metal Gear Online

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