Project CARS: svelata la lista ufficiale dei Trofei e degli Obiettivi Sbloccabili

Gli Slightly Mad Studios stilano la lista degli obiettivi sbloccabili del loro prossimo, attesissimo simulatore automobilistico
Project CARS: svelata la lista ufficiale dei Trofei e degli Obiettivi Sbloccabili
Gli Slightly Mad Studios stilano la lista degli obiettivi sbloccabili del loro prossimo, attesissimo simulatore automobilistico

Gli sviluppatori inglesi degli studi Slightly Mad indorano la pillola dell’amaro annuncio del posticipo di Project CARS reimmergendosi nella dimensione motoristica del loro prossimo racing game per svelare la lista dei Trofei per PS4, degli Obiettivi Sbloccabili per Xbox One e degli Achievements di Steam a cui daremo la caccia divorando l’asfalto digitale di questo atteso titolo.

Stando a quanto illustratoci dai vertici della stessa software house londinese che ha dato i natali alla serie di Need for Speed SHIFT, gli obiettivi di Project CARS non si limiteranno a seguire passivamente l’andamento della partita ma saranno una componente fondamentale dell’esperienza di gioco per arricchirla di contenuti con sfide a tema che correranno lungo tutte le sfide singleplayer (dagli eventi unici alla Carriera), le modalità multiplayer e le attività della community.

Guarda le ultime immagini di gioco di Project CARS

Project CARS: nuovi screenshot
Project CARS: nuovi screenshot
Project CARS: nuovi screenshot
Project CARS: nuovi screenshot
Project CARS: nuovi screenshot

Dopo un lungo periodo di gestazione cadenzato da una serie infinita di patch correttive, di beta testing e di update che hanno coinvolto gli appassionati che hanno deciso di finanziare il titolo acquistando i pacchetti di sottoscrizione proposti su PC dagli studi Slightly Mad senza ricorrere ad alcun publisher esterno, il lancio ufficiale della “versione 1.0” di Project CARS è previsto per il sempre più prossimo 2 aprile su PlayStation 4, Xbox One e, ovviamente, su PC. L’edizione da destinare all’utenza Wii U dovrebbe vedere la luce dei negozi in un secondo momento (si spera entro e non oltre questa estate).

via | sito ufficiale Project CARS

Project CARS 28-02-2015

  • Career
  • One More For The Road (0G/Platinum)
    Earned all other Achievements

    Zero To Hero (30G/Gold)
    Won the LMP1 World Championship within ten seasons

    Defending Champ (30G/Gold)
    Defended a Career Championship for three consecutive years

    Triple Crown (30G/Gold)
    Won three Career Championships in three different motorsport disciplines

    Hall Of Fame (50G/Bronze)
    Completed three Historic Goals and became a racing legend!

    Fully Loaded (30G/Bronze)
    Signed 8 Endorsement deals

    VIP (30G/Bronze)
    Received 12 Invitations

    Meticulous (30G/Bronze)
    Completed every Practice, Qualifying, and Race session in every round in a Career Championship

    Conquered. All. Races. Seriously. (30G/Bronze)
    Won every race in a Career Championship

    Double Rainbow (30G/Bronze)
    Won the same Career Championship two years consecutively

    No “I” In Team (30G/Bronze)
    Won a Team Championship two years consecutively

    Twerkin’ (10G/Bronze)
    Won your first Accolade

    Taylor Would Be Proud (30G/Bronze)
    Won 22 Accolades

    Mailbox Full (20G/Bronze)
    Received more than 500 messages from your fans

  • Solo
  • Pit Boss (5G/Bronze)
    Created and saved a Pit Strategy

    Requesting Flyby (10G/Bronze)
    Entered and exited the pit lane without losing a position (cannot be in last place)

    Consistency Is King (30G/Silver)
    Performed 3 consecutive laps within 0.1 sec of each other

    My Little Friend (10G/Bronze)
    Overtook a car using KERS

    Grand Chelem (20G/Bronze)
    Got pole position in qualifying, fastest lap in the race and won whilst leading every lap

    A Day In The Life (45G/Silver)
    Completed a 24 hour race using only realtime progression (and why not stream it?!)

    Emergency Stop (10G/Bronze)
    Braked to a standstill from 100-0 km/h within 2 secs

    Reversa Corsa (20G/Bronze)
    Completed a Quick Race Weekend lap of Azure Circuit in reverse from cockpit view without collisions

    Gladiator (10G/Bronze)
    Won a Quick Race Weekend with Full Damage, Mechanical Failures, and Tire Wear (must be 5+ laps)

    Sunday Driver (20G/Bronze)
    Driven the speed limit (50 km/h) in an Italian car and appreciated the Azure coastal scenery

    Eastbound & Down (20G/Bronze)
    Ran the California Highway in under 9 mins in a US car

  • Online
  • Player 1 Versus The World (20G/Bronze)
    Entered and completed more than 25 Online races

    Pentapodia (30G/Bronze)
    Finished on the podium more than 50 times in an Online Public race

    I Am The 5% (30G/Silver)
    Won an Online Public race using Pro handling, manual gears, and no driving aids, from cockpit view

    Clean As A Whistle (20G/Silver)
    Won three Online Public races in a row without being involved in a major collision

    Pristine Paintwork (30G/Bronze)
    Completed more than 3 Online races with 50% of them avoiding a major collision

    Speed Racer (30G/Bronze)
    Set a Pole Position time in an Online Public qualifying session

  • Community
  • Petrolicious Love (20G/Bronze)
    Won more than 50 events with your Signature Car

    To Affinity & Beyond (30G/Bronze)
    Have an Affinity greater than 50% in all car classes

    Home Field Advantage (20G/Bronze)
    Won more than 20 events on your Favorite Location

    Selfie (10G/Bronze)
    Took a photo of your Signature Car on your Favorite Location

    Exorcist (10G/Bronze)
    Beat a Ghost from the Time Trial Leaderboards

    Lap Time Wizard (50G/Silver)
    Set a record at 50 locations (variations and reverse layouts not necessary)

    Community Ambassador (20G/Bronze)
    Participated in 20 Driver Network Community Events

  • Obiettivi segreti
  • Half Racer, Half Demon (20G/Bronze)

    Ready To Pounce (10G/Bronze)

    Keep Calm And Race On (20G/Bronze)

    No Roads Needed (10G/Bronze)

    Do You Smell Somethin’? (10G/Bronze)

    On Your Left 20G/Bronze)

    Credit Where Credit’s Due (10G/Bronze)

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