The Crew: svelata la lista degli Obiettivi Sbloccabili

Ecco quali saranno gli achievement dell'ambizioso gioco di guida a mondo aperto di Ubisoft
The Crew: svelata la lista degli Obiettivi Sbloccabili
Ecco quali saranno gli achievement dell'ambizioso gioco di guida a mondo aperto di Ubisoft

[blogo-video provider_video_id=”oMtMcWQTi_Q” provider=”youtube” title=”THE CREW | 101 Trailer [UK]” thumb=”” url=””]

A pochi giorni dal lancio di The Crew, i curatori del portale XboxAchievements mettono a segno un colpo dei loro e ci offrono delle succulente anticipazioni sugli Obiettivi Sbloccabili dell’ambizioso arcade racing a mondo aperto sviluppato dal team francese di Ivory Tower e dagli inglesi di Reflections.

Chi vorrà tentare la scalata all’ambito traguardo dei 1000 punti Gamerscore (o del Trofeo di Platino), gli utenti dell’imminente gioco di guida targato Ubisoft dovranno cimentarsi con le innumerevoli attività sandbox e le sfide che correranno (è proprio il caso di dirlo) lungo la campagna principale.

Guarda le ultime immagini di The Crew

Tra eventi da vincere, luoghi da esplorare e auto da elaborare, la nuova fatica motoristica di Ubi promette di offrire una quantità smisurata di contenuti e di gare da sbloccare acquisendo punti esperienza e fama divorando l’asfalto digitale di una mappa che ricreerà “in piccolo” l’intero territorio degli Stati Uniti.

La corsa sfrenata ai Trofei e agli Obiettivi Sbloccabili di The Crew partirà ufficialmente il prossimo 2 dicembre con il lancio del titolo su PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360 e Xbox One.

via | XboxAchievements

    The Crew – 10G – Complete a Mission while in a Crew (2-4 Players)
    United we Stand – 15G – Complete 50 Crew vs. Crew PvP Events. (2-4 players)
    The Breadwinner – 15G – Increase your Daily Salary to 10,000 Bucks.
    Remember my name – 15 – Earn over 100,000 Reputation Points.
    Ghost Bustin – 10G – Beat any Platinum Skill Ghost.
    Enduring Spirit – 15G – Complete the Faction Mission Landmark Tour in a Crew (2-4 players).
    Coast to Coast – 15G – Complete the Faction Mission Coast to Coast in a Crew (2-4 players)
    Synchronized Spinning – 15G – Earn 3,000 Bucks from a Multiplayer Stunt Combo.
    Hold the line – 10G – Achieve a combined speed of 870 mph (1400 km/h) in a Crew (2-4 Players).
    Podium Placing – 10G – As a team (3-4 players), finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a PvP Faction vs Faction Event.
    Never Drive Alone – 15G – Spend a total of 24 hours in a Crew (2-4 Players).
    Highway One Plus – 15G – Drive the length of Highway One while in a Crew (2-4 Players).
    Stay Out of Trouble – 10G – Escape the Police at least once in each region.
    Top Dog – 10G – Finish first in a free-for-all PvP Event.
    Enthusiast – 10G – Tune a car to level 510.
    The Modfather – 25G – Tune a car to level 1299.
    Star Service – 15G – Upgrade every Performance part on a vehicle to Platinum.
    Overclocker – 100G – Drive a total of 5,000 Miles (8047 km) in a single car.
    Walking-around money – 15G – Have 500,000 Bucks in your wallet.
    Made To Spec – 10G – Own a car with all its 5 Specs unlocked.
    Facelift – 15G – Customize every Visual part of a car.
    Unlimited Testdrive Budget – 5G – Testdrive the most expensive car.
    Salt Rocket – 15G – Achieve a speed over 236 mph (380 km/h) on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
    First Offense – 10G – Escape a Police pursuit 100 times in FreeDrive.
    Versatile Showman – 25G – Earn a Platinum Medal in each Skill type in all 5 Zones.
    Daily Dose – 10G – Complete a Daily Challenge.
    Weekly Wonder – 25G – Complete a Weekly Challenge.
    Monthly Marvel – 25G – Complete a Monthly Challenge.
    And the award goes to – 15G – Earn over 10,000 Award Points.
    Street Smart – 10G – Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Street Spec Car.
    Show Off – 15G – Perform a minute-long Stunt Combo.
    Dirty Birdy – 10G – Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Dirt Spec Car.
    Data Tracker – 25G – Tap into 30 Data Stations in the United States.
    Scrap Salvager – 10G – Build a Hidden Car from Wreck Parts.
    Domestic Tourist – 25G – Visit 242 Landmarks in the United States.
    Perf-ection – 10G – Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Perf Spec Car.
    Raid the Scoreboard – 10G – Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Raid Spec Car.
    Skills To Pay Bills – 25G – Earn a Gold medal on 500 Skills.
    The Extra Mile – 100G – Earn Platinum medals from all Story Missions.
    The Boss – 50G – Progress to Level 50.
    Indy Car Racer – 100G – Drive a total of 200 laps around the Little Eagle Speedrome.
    Circuit Training – 10G – Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Circuit Spec Car.
    Road Trip – 15G – Drive to all 5 regions in a Crew during one session (2-4 players).

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